If you are a new student, you will establish your initial password during the onboarding process.
You can change your password at any time by using the Password Change Utility.
Learn more at Clemson Computing & Information Technology.
REMEMBER: Never give your password out to anyone!
After your acceptance, you will receive instructions on how to create your Clemson University computer user identification. This is a permanent, unique-to-you identifier that you will use every time you access the Clemson computer network (which will be every day). You may see or hear it referred to as your username. It also designates your official Clemson University email address (for example, tiger@clemson.edu, where “tiger” is the User ID).
If this is your first time using the Clemson network, you will need to look up your User ID as the first step in the housing application process.
CUID refers to your Clemson University Identification Number. It’s a unique number that begins with a C and serves as your student ID number. Note: this number can be found in your Admitted Student Portal.
First, you will use your CUID number to look-up your User ID. Afterwards, you will use it for almost everything. Every record you inquire about at Clemson will require it. Every time you call or stop by a campus office for assistance, you will likely need to know your CUID number. You should memorize it immediately.
Learn more at Clemson Computing & Information Technology.