The Honors Residential College at Cribb and DesChamps is an exclusive residential experience for Honors College students. Enjoy living with other students in the Honors College, while taking advantage of lounges, study rooms, The Library, The Great Hall and 2 classrooms all on site. Plus, Cribb houses all Honors office staff, including the National Scholars Program, as well as the University’s Office of Major Fellowships. Both Cribb and DesChamps are also located in the heart of campus, with easy access to West campus dining, Death Valley, and more.
Notice for 2024-25: An ongoing facilities improvement project occurring in close proximity to this building may result in construction noise, as well as changes to sidewalk, road, and parking access throughout the 2024-25 academic year. Efforts will be made to keep the inconvenience to a minimum, and we appreciate your patience and understanding if you decide to make this hall your Clemson Home.