Start Program Community Housing
When will I select my housing assignment?
Selection times are different for Bridge, First Year, Continuing and Transfer students, please check our events for the latest information.
Where can I view my housing assignment?
Once you have selected your housing assignment, you may view your assignment at anytime on the Housing Portal.
May I request another incoming first-year student as a roommate?
Yes. You will have the option to request one roommate of your choice. You will create and confirm your 2-person roommate group in step one of the sign-up process.
If I’m unhappy with my selected room or roommate, can I get it changed before school opens? How?
It is our goal to make everyone happy with their room and roommate assignment. Even after assignments are made, we will continue to work to accommodate your preferences. If you want us to change something about your assignment, please complete a Housing Change Request While we can't guarantee the change you want, we promise we will try our best to honor your request.